Our namesake, Clipper
Many customers often assume that we offer grooming services at Clipper’s Canine Cafe because the word “Clipper’s” is in our store’s name. While we don’t offer grooming services at this time, we do carry a fabulous selection of completely natural shampoos, conditioning sprays, flea and tick sprays and other grooming products for the pet owner to use at home.
The word "Clipper's" in our store's name actually refers to our store's namesake. Clipper was Kate's yellow Labrador Retriever named after the clipper ships that sailed on the Chesapeake Bay. Clipper came from a raw foods breeder that raises all her pups on the raw food diet so he had never eaten kibble. Kate was so passionate about the benefits of a raw foods diet for pets that she wanted a pup that had been fed raw from the start. He was an extremely happy and healthy dog and was a great representative of the benefits of a raw food diet. On October 14, 2016, when Clipper was a couple months shy of 15 years old, Kate made the tough decision to have Clipper put to sleep after he quickly declined from a heart issue. He was a once in a lifetime dog that will never be replaced.

"No matter how deep my sleep I shall hear you, and not all the power of death can keep my spirit from wagging a grateful tail." by Eugene O'Neill