Canine Care Packs For Veterans' service dogs
Kate started putting together Canine Care Packs in November 2015 for service dogs used by wounded veterans. The plan was to make the packs for one Christmas season but it was such a hit that it's continued long after the holiday and hundreds of packs later! For $25 customers sponsor a pack which contains a variety of all natural treats and a large toy. The customer's name is then written on a tag to show the veteran that they sponsored the pack. Some customers choose to have the packs sponsored in their pet's name or sponsor packs in friend's names as gifts. Currently the packs are going to Hero Dogs which is a Maryland based non-profit corporation that raises and trains service dogs and places them free of charge with our Nation's Veterans to improve quality of life and restore independence. To sponsor a Canine Care Pack you can stop by Clipper's Canine Cafe or give us a call at 301-490-9068.

107 Canine Care Packs we made that were delivered to patients at Walter Reed with Operation Enduring Warrior.

Hero Dogs Gracie, Amber, Jack, Mitch, and Mae with their Canine Care Packs.